Hydroponic – All Thing You Need To Know!

Could plants really grow on water alone? You might think that this method is futuristic and could only be seen in movies. But hydroponic gardening is here to stay and it proves to be effective on some breed of plants. Learn everything you need to know about hydroponic gardening here.

Do Plants Grow Better in Water or Soil?

Do you grow plants in water or in soil? Or have you tried both? If not yet, it would be interesting to know what the differences are between these two planting mediums. Knowing the pros and cons of water vs soil can help you make the right choice.

Soil vs Hydro

Soil is a common medium used for planting. But hydroponics is also gaining in popularity. If you have not yet tried hydroponics and are not sure if this is something worth trying, this guide may help you. In this article, you will learn more about hydroponics and how it differs with the conventional way of planting soil.